Best rated Radar level sensor factory

Radar level sensor wholesale manufacturer China: The second case is that, in order to ensure the fluidity of crude oil, offshore oil platforms usually use hot medium oil heating pipes to heat the crude oil to ensure that it is stored within a certain temperature range. As the crude oil in the lower tank contains a small amount of water, some of the bottom water will precipitate out of the bilge water after standing, and the water vapor will evaporate during the continuous heating process. The water vapor condenses on the antenna at the top of the tank to form water droplets, causing a strong false signal at the top. Therefore, false signals are suppressed within 0~0.25m and the suppression line is set to 120dB to avoid false signals caused by water vapor condensation and level jumps at the top. In response to this situation, after on-site analysis and research tests decided to do a good job of pre-dewatering treatment, the water content of the crude oil in the lower tank is controlled at less than 0.5%, the heating temperature of the crude oil tank is controlled so that the crude oil in the tank is lower than 65 ℃, and the instrumentation is covered with thermal insulation materials on the outside, etc. Through the above measures, the phenomenon of level jumping caused by the formation of condensation at the antenna of the radar liquid level meter is eliminated. See more info at radar level transmitter.

Effective Echo Management- Pulse radar technology generates echoes at certain time intervals. This feature enables radar sensors to handle echoes and distinguish echoes. A common occurrence in complex process vessels and solid material silos. This capability greatly enhances the accuracy of measurements in situations where traditional methods may struggle. The versatility and dependability of radar level measurement make it suitable for a range of applications. Here are some important areas where radar sensors excel- Process Tanks-In industries, radar level sensors are deployed to monitor levels in process tanks. Whether its chemicals, petroleum products or water treatment facilities radar sensors provide real time data to optimize process control. Storage Tanks- Large scale storage tanks require precise level monitoring to efficiently manage inventory and prevent overfilling or underfilling. Radar sensors are the trusted choice for maintaining inventory balance.

If the radar level meter is unreasonably selected, the interference echo cannot be handled well, and the reliability of the instrument will be reduced. Therefore, the following factors should be considered when selecting a radar level meter: Conductivity and dielectric constant of the measured medium. The measured medium is a conductive liquid or a liquid with a dielectric constant above 4. Generally, a common radar is selected. Liquids with small dielectric constants (dielectric constants below 2) and some conductive solids often use precision radars or guided wave radars due to the large amount of interference echoes.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, radar water level meters have been used more and more. It has the advantages of low cost, high stability, flexibility, high reliability, low power consumption, convenient parameter setting, safe and simple maintenance, etc., and has important promotion value. Today, the editor will take you to a simple understanding of radar water level meter. Radar water level meter is a kind of measurement equipment introduced from abroad in recent years. The water level meter has mature technology, high measurement accuracy, easy installation, and is not restricted by environment and geography, so it has been widely used.

Level Measurement Solutions for Deaerators: With proper level control and instrumentation, every part of the steam generation cycle can be managed for optimal efficiency. Deaerator Functions: The deaerator serves as an “open” type heat exchanger with its primary function being the removal of oxygen and other corrosive gases from the boiler feedwater. This is accomplished using steam, which can give up about 970 Btu per pound, to support the deaeration process as well as preheat boiler feedwater.

Secondly, in cement production, material level measurement encountered another difficulty is strong dust interference, especially pneumatic conveying powder silo, dust flying when feeding, low visibility, laser level meter and high energy ultrasonic level meter can not be measured, although radar level meter at this time can receive part of the surface echo. But the echo signal was also weakened. In addition, due to the uneven surface of the radar echo is refracted, will also lead to the existence of radar echo; In addition, there are some conditions from the bottom to the bin inflation, so that the material surface loose, material level measurement is more difficult.

With emphasis placed on customer satisfaction, innovation, product development and overall business transformation, the company continued to innovate and expand with each passing year. KAIDI has successfully achieved global recognition, obtaining the leading position as Asia’s top process automation sensor manufacturer. In the past 5 years, the company has undergone tremendous growth and development – flourishing internationally and providing customers worldwide with the best customized solutions for process automation. Read more information at The Magnetic Level Gauge all use vacuum tube technology, with a lifespan of 3-5 years, and protection grade is up to IP68, not easy to fade.

The interference comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the radar level gauge, such as interference caused by wires, inductance and capacitance between the power transformer and electronic components. In addition, the internal components can also generate noise interference. Today, most radar level gauges have also begun to be improved, using high-frequency microwave technology, which greatly improves the performance of the level gauge and reduces interference.

For the ultrasonic instrument that continuously measures the liquid level, when the temperature of the liquid to be measured changes greatly, the change of the propagation speed of the sound wave should be compensated. The connecting cable between the detector and the converter should take anti-electromagnetic interference measures. The structure of the ultrasonic level sensor should be determined according to the process requirements and on-site working conditions.

The influence of dust accumulation on the transmitter head of the radar level meter, due to the large amount of dust in the working condition of the radar level meter, the dust is easy to adhere, and affected by the ambient temperature, the dust is wet and easy to agglomerate, and the dielectric constant will become larger and adhered The transmitter head and the wall of the bell mouth of the radar level meter affect the accuracy and stability of the radar measurement.