
High quality pedestrian accidents & personal injury attorneys in Charlotte, NC from Chloe Doust

Immigration legal assistance in North Carolina from Chloe Doust today: Personal injury lawyers like Chloe Doust are versatile and provide a wide range of benefits to victims of personal injury. They work to provide compensation to individuals who have suffered any physical, psychological or emotional injury due to the negligence of some individual. Personal injury attorney can help the injured victim by legally holding the negligent individual responsible for paying damages to the injured victim. Though the practice of personal injury attorney typically involves cases of motor vehicle accidents they are equally competent at handling slip and fall accidents, defective products, workplace injuries and medical malpractice. Find even more details on Chloe Doust North Carolina.

How Do I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim? The most important thing to do is to make a report of your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Document exactly how the injury took place, taking note of any co-workers or supervisors who were present at the time of the accident. Then you must file a claim with the North Carolina Industrial Commission by completing a Form 18 within two years of the date of injury. The North Carolina Retaliatory Discrimination Act makes it illegal for your employer to fire you or otherwise retaliate against you for requesting benefits under.

Chloe Doust

Immigration attorneys in Charlotte, NC from Chloe Doust right now: If an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, they should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are times when injured workers have trouble recovering coverage for their medical bills, lost income, and other disability benefits. There are times when the careless or negligent actions of a property owner lead those who have a right to be on that property to become injured. Slip and fall incidents are the most common causes of premises liability injuries, but these incidents also occur due to improper inspection and maintenance, unsafe property conditions, improper employee training, and more.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

Business attorneys in Charlotte, North Carolina from The Law office of Chloe Doust 2023: Anytime somebody loses their life due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another person or entity, the family member or personal representative of the deceased may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to recover compensation. These cases can become immensely complicated, but family members deserve to have some sort of compensation and closure for their losses. Wrongful death claims arise in various ways, including vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, defective product incidents, and more.

The biggest concern is proving the store’s liability. You must be able to prove that you’re injured and that the store is at fault. Falls can happen very quickly, and you may have to retrace your steps, figuratively speaking, in order to figure out exactly how your accident happened. For example, if you fell down a staircase, was it due to a faulty handrail or uneven steps? If so, the owner of the store or building could be liable. If you fell because you were carrying too many items, distracted by your cell phone, or even because you tripped over your own shoelaces, the court might not rule in your favour. If a slip-and-fall lawyer does decide to take your case, part of their process is visiting the scene of the accident to look at where it happened.

How to discover the best criminal defense attorney? To sum it up, although looking for the best criminal defense attorney may seem like a lot to do, it is worth the time and effort. Once you have scheduled a free consultation, don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible. They can offer you legal guidance on issues that may arise during your case too. This is where a good criminal defense attorney is put to the test, as these unforeseen circumstances require great consideration since the case could impact your life forever.

Offentlig rätt juridisk rådgivning råd av Alexander Suliman 2023

Hög kvalitet företag och integritet juridisk rådgivning guider från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: Som en allmän regel tenderar arbetslagstiftningen i EU att vara mindre arbetsgivarvänlig i EU än i USA, med uppsägningsklausuler som vanligtvis inte är tillåtna och kollektiva förhandlingar vanliga i vissa länder. När du övervakar ditt företag i EU, se till att dina anställningsavtal är förenliga med den lokala lagstiftningen eftersom varje EU-medlemsstat har sina egna regler för olika aspekter som förmåner, anställningsskatter, uppsägning och deltidsarbete. Företagsinvandring är ett nyckelämne i EU eftersom olika företag välkomnar anställda från andra EU- eller tredje partsländer. Du bör överväga vilka alternativ som finns för dina amerikanska arbetare som du vill skicka till EU och definiera strategin och typen av stöd du vill ge din personal och deras familjer. Se till att du är medveten om de senaste och kommande lagändringarna. Till exempel implementerade Belgien nyligen EU-direktivet om ett enda tillstånd, som innehåller en ny uppsättning regler som gör den administrativa processen för arbetstillstånd mindre betungande. Hitta ännu mer info på Alexander Suliman.

När EU antog datalagringsdirektivet, som förpliktade lagring av trafik- och platsdata för alla europeiska kommunikationsanvändare, det varnades för att reglerna bröt mot stadgan, och EG-domstolen gick till slut med på det. Jag förväntar mig att det här nya förslaget kommer att vara mycket omtvistat också, och jag förväntar mig att grundläggande rättigheter kommer att utgöra en betydande del av den debatten – vilket redan framgår av kommentarerna från datatillsynsmannen, parlamentsledamoten Patrick Breyer, EDRi och gruppen av säkerhetsexperter som nämns ovan. Ett sätt att genväga den debatten är att undersöka om de potentiella order som kan utfärdas på grundval av förslaget inte kan respektera kärnan i rätten till integritet och dataskydd. I det här inlägget har jag skissat en beskrivning av detta argument. För att göra ett övertygande argument kommer det att vara viktigt att först fastställa på grundval av nyare rättspraxis att EG-domstolen fortfarande anser att massövervakning av innehåll äventyrar kärnan i rätten till privatliv. För det andra kommer det att vara viktigt att utveckla en rätt till konfidentialitet och integritet för IT-system enligt stadgan, eftersom detta kommer att möjliggöra en bättre bedömning av upptäcktsorder riktade till användarenheter. Och för det tredje måste det ytterligare undersökas om endast end-to-end-kryptering är den enda lämpliga åtgärden för att skydda onlinekommunikation, för om så är fallet respekterar inte någon krypteringsförändringsordning kärnan i rätten till dataskydd. Förhoppningsvis kommer rådet och Europaparlamentet att uppmärksamma det.

EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.

Sekretess juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen med Alexander Suliman, Sverige just nu: Förutom föräldratid, det kan finnas vissa vårdnadsfrågor. Normalt kommer människor att ha gemensam juridisk vårdnad om sina barn, men det betyder inte att de alltid måste komma överens om varje enskild fråga. Ibland kan folk komma överens om att båda föräldrarna kommer att ha input och underrättas om beslut och att de kommer att rådfrågas och ha möjlighet att diskutera detta; ibland kommer föräldrarna att komma överens om att en förälder t.ex. kommer att fatta det slutgiltiga beslutet i vilken läkare de ska ta barnet till, och kanske kommer en förälder att fatta det slutgiltiga beslutet om vilka fritidsaktiviteter barnet får delta i. I medling har vi kan utforska dessa en efter en, fråga för fråga. När de lämnas till domstolarna och parterna prövar vårdnad och föräldratid, tenderar de att gräva hälarna i sanden lite mer, och de tenderar att vara mindre samarbetsvilliga jämfört med mer samarbetsvilliga med varandra. Att rättstvister tar ibland fram det sämsta hos människor, medan jag tror att medling av vårdnads- och föräldratidsfrågor verkligen tar fram det bästa i människor eftersom det måste förstärkas att målet är vad som är i barnets bästa, inte vad som är i varje förälders bästa intresse, men vad som är för barnets bästa. Se extra detaljer at Alexander Suliman.

Utmärkt företag och integritet juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman, Stockholm

IT, företag juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Sverige 2023: Anledningen till att Europeiska kommissionen var angelägna om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Låt oss börja med en innehållsskanningsordning på servern. Vid första anblicken kan man hävda att en sådan order bör anses äventyra kärnan i rätten till privatliv enligt stadgan. EG-domstolen i Schrems I ansåg att lagstiftning som ger offentliga myndigheter tillgång på allmän basis till innehållet i kommunikation äventyrar kärnan i rätten till privatliv enligt stadgan (punkt 94). Innehållsskanning på servern är utan tvekan en form av “åtkomst på generaliserad basis”, där det involverar en analys av all kommunikation som går genom servern som är ansluten till en viss app, och vidarebefordrar eventuella matchningar till ett utsett center. Samtidigt var Europakonventionen i Big Brother Watch mer förlåtande när det gäller befogenheter för bulkavlyssning av kommunikation, så länge som dessa befogenheter omges av tillräckliga skyddsåtgärder (par. 350). En viktig punkt som bör undersökas ytterligare är om detta signalerar en spricka mellan de två organen, eller att EG-domstolen kommer att kartlägga sin egen väg när det gäller bulkövervakning. Upptäck ännu mer detaljer på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.

Europeiska kommissionen, i ett arbetsdokument, identifierade molntjänster som ett “strategiskt beroende”, och uttryckte oro över att EU:s molnmarknad leds av ett fåtal stora molnleverantörer med huvudkontor utanför EU. I juli 2021 lämnade Frankrike, tillsammans med Tyskland, Italien och Spanien, ett förslag till den ENISA-ledda arbetsgruppen som syftade till att generalisera franska nationella krav i hela EU. (Tyskland har sedan dess reserverat sig.) Den föreslog att fyra nya kriterier skulle läggas till för att företag ska kvalificera sig som kvalificerade att erbjuda tjänster på ”hög” nivå, inklusive immunitet från utländsk lag och lokalisering av molntjänstverksamhet och data inom EU. Även om cybercertifieringskraven på EU-nivå för närvarande är tänkta som frivilliga, skulle de kunna göras obligatoriska som ett resultat av det nyligen överenskomna direktivet om åtgärder för en hög gemensam nivå av cybersäkerhet i hela unionen (NIS2-direktivet).

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.

Premium företagsavtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: Medling är bra eftersom parterna känner att de är en del av processen. De förhandlar. De är i en miljö där de kan komma på lösningar och kasta ut idéer och vet att det är konfidentiellt. Dessa idéer och tankar kan inte användas mot dem. De når beslut som de bestämmer, inte en domare som bestämmer. De bestämmer sig för att detta är resolutionen, och det som är bra med det är att människor hela tiden, mycket oftare, faktiskt kommer att följa och följa vad de gick med på snarare än om en domare ger dem ett beslut och de vill överklaga det, eller de vill att försöka hitta en väg runt det. Medling är bra. Upptäck extra info at Alexander Suliman, Sweden.

Det är viktigt att förstå den rättsliga miljö som gäller för ditt företag. Några av de högre profilreglerna du kanske har hört talas om inkluderar det nya upphovsrättsdirektivet, det 5:e direktivet mot penningtvätt, eller det som alla har hört talas om, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Det finns också en ny EU-omfattande förordning om kontroll av utländska investeringar som förväntas träda i kraft 2023 som kommer att påverka amerikanska företag som investerar i EU-baserade företag. Flera sektorer är hårt reglerade i EU och reglerna på plats skiljer sig ofta från de amerikanska reglerna, särskilt inom områdena hälsovård, finansiella tjänster, kemikalier, livsmedel, produktsäkerhet och konsumentinformation och konsumentskydd. Se till att du förstår den reglerande miljön för nya marknader som du går in på och övervaka din sektors tillämpliga bestämmelser regelbundet för att genomföra eventuella nödvändiga förändringar i god tid.

Brittanye Morris or the upsurge of a competent judge in Houston

Get to know Brittanye Morris from Houston, Texas and some of her law and legal ideas: A large part of Brittanye’s legal practice has included representing clients in courtrooms throughout the Houston area. It was during this representation that Brittanye witnessed some of the glaring issues with our legal system and the judges elected to represent our interests. Instead of being accessible to all and servants of the people, the courtrooms (and justice) seemed to favor individuals with connections and financial resources. Many litigants, especially hard-working individuals struggling to make ends meet, were often put in the unfair and unjust position of having to choose between access to justice and not missing work. These same litigants were talked down to and dismissed by the very judges they elected. Meanwhile, people that could afford attorneys were often provided more respect and seen by the judges first, many times without the person having to miss work to appear in court. Read more info at Brittanye Morris Attorney.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Judge

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

Morris’s mother was an educator in the public school system, and her father a police lieutenant. An achiever since childhood, Morris earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with a minor in History from the University of Houston, and her Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at the prestigious Texas Southern University.

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

She pointed out that “when you think about the Greats of any time, they weren’t Great at their time. It wasn’t until long after they left this Earth that they became historical icons.” Rather than worrying about how history might remember her, Morris focuses her energy where it’s feasibly useful instead. “I really feel like representation matters, and certain voices have been marginalized,” Morris said. “But at the end of the day, for me, it’s very important just to live in a way that I’ll be proud of and my children will be proud of.”

The rise of a competent judge in Houston : Brittanye Morris

Brittanye Morris or the ascent of a competent judge in Houston: Because of the hard work and discipline instilled by her parents, Brittanye graduated high school in three years, while being an active cheerleader and debate team member. She then attended the University of Houston, where she graduated with honors with a degree in Political Science. Drawing on her debate experiences and Political Science background, Brittanye decided that she wanted to use her talents to advocate for Houston residents as an attorney. Brittanye elected to attend a law school with a history of training community advocates and some of the best lawyers and judges in Houston (and the country), the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. While at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Brittanye had the honor and privilege of representing the law school as a member of its world-renowned mock trial program. See additional info at Brittanye Morris Attorney.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Houston

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

Who is Brittanye Morris from Houston and some of her law and legal accomplishments

Brittanye Morris or the upsurge of a law and legal expert in Houston, Texas: Engrained with a passion towards public service taught by her parents, and equipped with the advocacy skills and training from her law school, Brittanye has spent her legal tenure in a variety of roles sharpening her legal aptitude and advocacy abilities. Brittanye has worked within both the public and private sectors, representing a variety of clients from all walks of life. Read additional info on .

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Judge

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

She pointed out that “when you think about the Greats of any time, they weren’t Great at their time. It wasn’t until long after they left this Earth that they became historical icons.” Rather than worrying about how history might remember her, Morris focuses her energy where it’s feasibly useful instead. “I really feel like representation matters, and certain voices have been marginalized,” Morris said. “But at the end of the day, for me, it’s very important just to live in a way that I’ll be proud of and my children will be proud of.”

Brittanye Morris or the rise of a law and legal expert in Houston, Texas

Brittanye Morris or the ascent of a experienced judge in Houston: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. Find more details at

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Houston

Morris entered the Democratic Primary race for the judgeship against incumbent Daryl Moore. She defeated Moore on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, topping him by a landslide 56,175 votes. This sizable victory highlights Morris’s own efforts as a competent conduit for justice. It also highlights the overwhelming support she’s earned from her local community. She brings fresh eyes, grit, and a wealth of life experience to the bench. Seated before a soul food feast at iconic Harlem eatery Sylvia’s Restaurant, Morris recounted her incredible journey with vigor.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

Privacy legal counselling strategies from Alexander Suliman 2023

Labour legal counseling latest developments with Alexander Suliman, Sweden today: Ensure that you register your IP in overseas jurisdictions and review your IP portfolio to ensure it is up-to-date with registrations and expiration dates. While trademarks, designs and patents are protect through registration at the local and EU level, bear in mind that the duration of each right is different and that their use or licensing may be restricted by specific Member State legislation (i.e. employee creations). Also, review your current license agreements: while they generally cover the EU as a single licensing territory, the use of your IP may not be relevant in each Member State and you may want to reconsider a more local approach in order to facilitate their monitoring and mitigate challenges from third parties. An important component of any business’s IP strategy will be the protection of trade secrets. The EU Trade Secret Directive was intended to harmonise trade secret protection across the EU. In this guide we look at the picture as it currently stands in eight major jurisdictions. See extra details on Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

The reason why the European Commission was keen on allowing firms to voluntarily scan material, is that technology firms have already been working on ways to detect CSAM and solicitation for quite some time. Let’s start with a content scanning order on the server. At first sight, a case can be made that such an order should be considered to compromise the essence of the right to privacy under the Charter. The ECJ in Schrems I considered that legislation permitting the public authorities access on a generalised basis to the content of communications compromises the essence of the right to privacy under the Charter (par. 94). Content scanning on the server arguably is a form of “access on a generalised basis”, where it involves an analysis of all communications going through the server connected to a certain app, and forwarding any matches to a designated center. At the same time, the ECHR in Big Brother Watch was more forgiving when it comes to powers of bulk interception of communications, as long as these powers are surrounded with sufficient safeguards (par. 350). Thus, one important point to be explored further, is whether this signals a rift between the two bodies, or that the ECJ will chart its own route when it comes to bulk surveillance.

The European Commission, in a working document, identified cloud services as a “strategic dependency”, expressing concerns that the EU cloud market is led by a few large cloud providers headquartered outside the EU. In July, 2021, France, joined by Germany, Italy, and Spain, submitted a proposal to the ENISA-led working group aimed at generalizing French national requirements across the EU. (Germany has since reserved its position.) It proposed to add four new criteria for companies to qualify as eligible to offer ‘high’ level services, including immunity from foreign law and localization of cloud service operations and data within the EU. Although the EU-level cyber certification requirements currently are conceived as voluntary, they could be made mandatory as the result of the recently-agreed Directive on Measures for a High Common Level of Cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive).

Premium public law legal counseling advices by Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: We’ll also look to intertwined finances. That takes a next step that has to go to the court process, but if they’re sharing expenses, if there’s a joint bank account, if a vehicle is registered at an address, we’ll look at those things to prove cohabitation. Importantly, cohabitation does not mean that they are living together. We do not have to show that they have a common household. It is not something that is critical in proving cohabitation that they are actually living together. See extra information at Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

As EU regulatory activity resumes this fall, a lesser-known initiative – creating an EU-wide certification framework for ICT products and services (EUCS) – could cause renewed disturbance between Brussels and Washington, however. Under the EUCS proposal being developed by the EU’s cybersecurity agency ENISA, cloud service providers would be compelled to localize their operations and infrastructure within the EU and to demonstrate their ‘immunity’ from foreign law.

Best personal injury attorney services by Jonathan Arredondo NJ

Top rated personal injury attorney legal and medical services with Jonathan Arredondo NJ? Provider of medical record retrieval and review services intended to serve attorneys, physicians and insurance carriers in the workers’ compensation and personal injury markets. The company provides resources for legal records, orders, duplication, data collection and organization services, thereby providing case rating services and tools such as case management and document discovery software. Find extra details on

Property owners must ensure that their premises are safe for visitors and guests. Not only does this include eliminating slip and fall accident hazards, but this also includes every other part of the premises where people could pass through. Some of the most common causes of premises liability accidents include accidental poisonings, defective displays, faulty stairs, elevators, or escalators, and more. Product manufacturers, companies, distributors, and third-party sellers have the duty to ensure that any product sold to consumers is safe. Unfortunately, there are times when defective products make it to the market. This can include products with defective designs, products damaged during the manufacturing process, and products that have misleading or inaccurate labels.

Here at MedLegal HQ, we aim to be your go-to service after a car accident. We understand car accidents can cause feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. You may even be in a lot of lower back pain from sustaining injuries or body aches from the impact after a motor vehicle accident. This can make the whole process overwhelming and difficult to manage. We are real live people living and running our business from New Jersey. We help New Jersey & New York get back on their feet after a car accident. In fact we even provide complimentary rides! Contact us today to learn more!

MedLegal HQ today announced the launch of its new business for people in New Jersey and New York who have been in car accidents or in need of any medical care. It is vital to seek out and understand what a personal injury lawyer does and how to find the best, dedicated medical team trained to diagnose and treat victims of accidents. The comprehensive legal and medical advice company will guide people on how to call the right doctor and personal injury attorney after an accident.

Med-Legal Services, Inc. has been providing line-by-line defensible life care plans and life care plan reviews for more than 20 years. A duration in which its Attorneys combined have won more than $1B in injury settlements. Our mission is to continue this same level of high-quality service by having only highly experienced legal consultants and case managers to aid you in your case needs. We specialize in Life Care Plans, Life Care Plan Reviews, Life Care Plan Rebuttals, Medical Records Review, and Medical Case Management, and Medical Record Review involving Contested Wills. Find more info at Jonathan Arredondo-Calle.

If an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, they should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are times when injured workers have trouble recovering coverage for their medical bills, lost income, and other disability benefits. There are times when the careless or negligent actions of a property owner lead those who have a right to be on that property to become injured. Slip and fall incidents are the most common causes of premises liability injuries, but these incidents also occur due to improper inspection and maintenance, unsafe property conditions, improper employee training, and more.

Even if you believe you weren’t hurt badly, go to the emergency room or see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury accident. You may have internal injuries, a concussion, or soft tissue damage (like whiplash) that you aren’t even aware of. This helps ensure that you get the treatment you need as quickly as possible. If you wait to seek medical treatment, the insurance company may try to say you weren’t seriously injured. Your medical records will play a crucial role in your claim and help you negotiate the best possible settlement.

How to get a patent with InventHelp

How to patent an idea with InventHelp? InventHelp offers patent referral services to its clients. These referrals have resulted in more than 10,000 patents for InventHelp inventors. We can refer you to an independent patent attorney who will advise you on the necessary steps to take toward potentially patenting your idea. See additional info at InventHelp patent an invention idea. We state our prices up front. We are upfront with our fees. We state our fees upfront and rely on the fees paid to perform services.

According to the United States Patent Office, only the inventor may apply for a patent, with certain exceptions. If a person who is not the inventor should apply for a patent, the patent, if it were obtained, would be invalid. The person applying in such a case who falsely states that he/she is the inventor would also be subject to criminal penalties. If the inventor is dead, the application may be made by legal representatives, that is, the administrator or executor of the estate. If the inventor is insane, the application for patent may be made by a legal representative (e.g., guardian). If an inventor refuses to apply for a patent or cannot be found, a joint inventor or, if there is no joint inventor available, a person having a proprietary interest in the invention may apply on behalf of the non-signing inventor.

Whether you are an inventor, student, journalist or business looking for invention help or information on inventing, we hope you enjoy the links provided below. The links are grouped into categories that may help you learn more about patents, inventions, the history of innovation and fun facts. InventHelp® provides these invention help links for your use, enjoyment and general information. InventHelp® does not endorse any of the sites and claims no responsibility for the content, information, products or services offered by them. See even more details at how to get a patent with InventHelp.

Imagine having virtual access to your invention materials on the smartphone that’s already in your pocket or on the desktop computer in your home. InventHelp can make that possible with an Invention Website that is tailored to your idea. Show off your idea’s benefits, features, and functions. Host your invention materials which may include a Virtual Invention Presentation™. Other key website features include a contact page, an editor’s dashboard, and a location to display your patent status. A custom URL of your choosing (pending availability) will be established on your behalf, allowing you to share your Invention Website with friends, family, peers, or potentially interested companies.

If you are considering hiring a patent attorney, here are some tips for interviewing one. First, don’t divulge any confidential information to your patent attorney. Second, avoid using personal pronouns, and third, shop around for the best deal. Finally, remember to record meetings with potential patent attorneys. Taking notes during the interview can keep you from fully engaging in the conversation with your Patent Attorney. Fortunately, there are a number of free consultations offered by Patent Attorneys. Find extra info on patent ideas.

When interviewing a patent attorney, be honest and forthcoming with him/her. If you can’t articulate your invention properly, this could lead to complications, so be forthcoming with the details. If possible, you should also take some sketches of your invention, because that will help your patent attorney better understand your concept. You should also take photos of your invention, if possible. Patent attorneys love sketches! Make sure to prepare these documents before the interview.

Edward Lenart, the inventor of this innovative hand tool, developed the Lenart Trim/Molding Puller while performing renovations in his own home. He attempted to remove the molding and trim from a couple rooms while keeping them intact for re-use, a task that proved to be much more difficult than he initially thought. After developing and improving upon a few prototypes, he felt ready to bring his invention to market. In July of 2009, he approached InventHelp and purchased their services in the hopes of finding a company interested in licensing his invention. See more info at InventHelp.

Law guidance NJ, USA with Sandy Ferner right now

Reliable legal assistance NJ, USA from Sandy Ferner? What Is Mediation Parenting? Mediation is an excellent alternative to litigation in many areas of divorce and post-divorce matters. Many people think that mediation is mostly used for financial matters and don’t really think about mediation for custody and parenting time matters. I think that mediation is the perfect forum to discuss and resolve parenting time and custody issues whether that’s in a divorce or post-divorce. The best thing about mediation for parenting time and custody issues is that the mediator and the parties can work together in an environment outside the courtroom that focuses on the best interests of the children. Except in extreme circumstances, most parents want what is best for their child. Sometimes they just have a problem reaching those goals, and sometimes their emotions get in the way of clear thinking. Discover even more details on Sandy Ferner.

Law advice of the day with Sandy Ferner : At all steps of the way, in my cases, we tell our clients how they can save money by doing certain things themselves. We always tell all of our clients the more prepared you are, the better it is going to be for your case and the less money you’re going to have to spend on us to prepare your case. If you have any questions at all regarding keeping expenses down, how you can produce documents and gather documents without going through the legal process, please give us a call. That is always at the forefront of our thinking— how to approach a case efficiently and save our clients money while achieving the best result.

Dogs and other pets can cause severe injuries in the event they bite or attack somebody. Dog and pet owners have a responsibility to ensure that other individuals around these pets are safe, but there are times when pet owners fail to take proper safety precautions. New Jersey has various laws regarding dog bite injuries, and victims are often able to recover significant compensation from insurance carriers or at-fault parties in these cases.

Folks often have the misconception that if the lawsuit is not placed in their hands, they cannot be served and the lawsuit cannot proceed. This is not true and sometimes if you are served by alternative service you may not realize you have been served (if, for example, the lawsuit is affixed to your door and a nosy neighbor takes the lawsuit). If you are aware a lawsuit has been filed, do think if they have not put the lawsuit into your hands that the lawsuit cannot proceed. A lawsuit begins when the ‘Plaintiff’ (the person or company doing the suing) files the ‘Original Petition’ in the appropriate court. If the dollar amount the creditor is suing for is less than $10,000, the lawsuit will usually (but not always) be filed in a ‘Justice of the Peace’ court. Otherwise a lawsuit for an unpaid debt will typically be filed in the county court or district court for the county in which you live.

Presuming that there is no justifiable or reality-based reason why that parent cannot see the children – it’s not an abuse situation, there’s not a neglect situation, there’s nothing like that – just a refusal by one parent to allow the other parent to see the children and that refusal is unreasonable, then we need to rectify that quickly. We may need to get the court involved quickly and file an application to have immediate parenting time with the children. Whatever that schedule looks like, we would have to talk about it – if it’s overnights, if it’s 50/50, and what that means – and we’re going to have to get into court really fast to have a judge address this quickly. The last thing you want to do is let that go on or prolong that because then you get stuck in the situation of, “You let this go on for too long. You didn’t really want to see the kids, and now you’re coming back and you want to see them.”

State v. Laura Gonzalez (A-47-20) (085132): Justice Albin concurred in this decision. His concern in this case was the officer’s use of lies and trickery in order to get the defendant to admit to fracturing the baby’s limb during interrogation. Detective Reyes had told the defendant, Laura Gonzalez that there are surveillance cameras in the house and they captured when she hurt the child. Gonzalez was told by Detective Reyes is better off telling the truth about the baby’s injuries. This was not the truth as there were no cameras in the house and telling her that the truth will help her out. According to Justice Albin, the detective’s statements “contravene the Miranda warnings.” Additionally, Gonzalez asked “But now what do I do about an attorney?” and the detective replied that “That is your decision. I can’t give you an opinion about anything.” In another case State v. Reed, 133 N.J. 237, 253 (1993), “A suspect need not be articulate, clear or explicit in requesting counsel; any indication of a desire for counsel, however ambiguous, will trigger entitlement to counsel.” Even if Detectives Reyes was not sure whether or not Gonzalez wanted counsel, she should have asked her to clarify. Since Detective Reyes did not ask to clarify and she did not stop questioning Gonzalez, the apology letter that she wrote to her employers and her confession that she injured the baby were excluded as evidence at trial.

UK online court platform proposal and recommended community legal services with Rev. Dane Marks

UK online court platform proposal and high quality community legal support with Rev. Dane Marks? The UK Legal system is facing many challenges at present and because of the restrictions on legal aid, the people who are mostly affected are those who are on the low-income spectrum and from marginalised areas. Dane explains, I have seen many injustices inflicted on people throughout my life, however, I strongly believe in our legal justice system and it will continue to be the fairest system of rules internationally for the foreseeable future. It is important for our future lawyers and barristers to gain the experience of serving and supporting the most vulnerable and deprived as their building blocks from the outset of their careers.

Partner spotlight: As one of the largest societies at Cardiff University, the Law Society strives to enrich the student experience through a range of social, educational and extracurricular activities. By working closely with firms and chambers, we aim to boost employability prospects with workshops designed to up-skill and countless opportunities to interact with graduate recruitment. Make a Smile is a charity that works across the UK and involves volunteers dressing as popular children’s characters and visiting children that have been affected by hardship. As a part of this, they have done work with a number of charities, play groups and hospitals, working with a range of children with illness, disability and deprivation. Discover additional info at community based legal company.

Legal advice of the day: Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

If your case was dealt with in the magistrates’ court and you do not agree with the outcome, you may have a case to appeal the decision. This can be done in a variety of ways. If you have been sentenced and think the sentence is too harsh, you may be able to challenge this sentence in the Crown Court. Likewise, if you had a trial and were convicted in the magistrates’ court, you may have a case to challenge your conviction either with an appeal in the Crown Court (which is essentially a retrial) or in the High Court (where the legal process in the magistrates’ court is challenged). Legal Aid is often available to cover our fees in these cases. There are strict time limits in place for appeals so taking advice as soon as possible is essential.

Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with lawyers are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Read more info at Rev. Dane Marks.

We need to keep things functional without a physical presence in all community areas in the current situation. There is an absolute need for an entirely secure and well-integrated online court platform because it will dramatically reduce costs, delays and stress of court cases. The Community Law Project UK Ltd proposes an online platform that will allow people to attend court from any distant place without being exposed to any viral diseases. The Community Law Project UK Ltd is a fantastic innovation to provide high quality, innovative and result-oriented legal support service to the community. The company is proposing a “The Courts Online” platform to facilitate and optimize the Judiciary system and law education domain.