Legal Services

Premium företag och integritet juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Sverige

Bäst betyg IT-verksamhet juridisk rådgivning strategier av Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Att följa GDPR-kraven är nyckeln för alla företag som är verksamma i EU (eller till och med de med EU-kunder). ). Det finns också särskilda skyldigheter för dem som överför personuppgifter från EU och varje nationell dataskyddsmyndighet övervakar företag noggrant. Se till att ditt företag vidtar åtgärder för att följa förordningen och överväga att granska dina dataskyddspolicyer, tillsammans med dina databehandlingsavtal, och utse ett dataskyddsombud för att säkerställa efterlevnad av GDPR. Brott mot GDPR-bestämmelserna kommer sannolikt att leda till avsevärda böter: till exempel, den franska dataskyddstillsynsmyndigheten, CNIL, bötfällde Google 50 euro eftersom Googles policyer för datasamtycke visade sig inte vara lättillgängliga eller transparenta för dess användare som går i strid med GDPR-bestämmelserna. För ytterligare bakgrund, läs vår senaste granskning av GDPR-tillämpningsåtgärder i hela EU. Se ytterligare detaljer at

Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Frågan är om dessa order är förenliga med stadgan. Dessa förordningar påverkar ett antal grundläggande rättigheter enligt stadgan, inklusive rätten till integritet och rätten till dataskydd. Jag kommer att beröra endast aspekten: om dessa åtgärder respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter. För om de inte gör det, skulle det innebära att en proportionalitetsbedömning inte skulle krävas, och kringgå komplexa frågor kring nödvändighet, effektivitet, proportionalitet och balansering (se här för bakgrund om detta krav). För en diskussion om några av dessa andra aspekter, hänvisar jag till 2021-utlåtandet av Prof. Dr. Ninon Colneric och analyser av EDPS, MEP Patrick Breyer, EDRi och en grupp säkerhetsexperter.

EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning guider från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm idag: I Sverige och andra stater finns det en mängd olika lagar som ger dig tillgång till medel för att betala dina räkningar för att behålla din livsstil på någon nivå när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Din make kan inte avbryta dig ekonomiskt och inte ge dig tillgång till pengar för att leva ditt liv när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Vi hjälper dig att behålla den livsstil du har och skapa de pengar du behöver för att få dina advokatkostnader betalda, oavsett om det är i början eller slutet av ärendet. Låt inte det vara något som hindrar dig från att inte ringa telefonsamtalet, för så fort du är medveten om att skilsmässa potentiellt övervägs, finns det många saker du behöver göra för att skydda dig själv. Många gånger säger folk att det är precis vad advokater säger eftersom de bara vill engagera sig för att driva upp advokatarvoden. Detta är sant. Ibland vill advokater göra det, men det är inte vad vi gör. Läs ännu mer info på Alexander Suliman.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.

Legal assistance in Thailand with today

Lawyer offers in Thailand with 2023: Usufruct is the right to use or occupy another person’s real property for one’s life or up to 30 years under sections 1417 1428 of the Civil and Commercial Code. The right of usufruct is not complete unless registered with the Thailand land department. Established and recorded in the official land registry of the local land office for a fixed term or for the life of the usufructuary, the usufruct exists as long as the usufructuary is alive. After his or her death the real estate property reverts back to the owner. A usufruct is often given to a family member such as a foreign spouse with the intention that a foreign spouse is protected in the event of death of the Thai spouse (registered owner). The usufruct gives the right to the foreign spouse to remain in the property upon the death of his or her Thai spouse. Receive 3 quotes: You’ll get 3 quotes customized for your specific case. Read additional details on click here to find a lawyer in Thailand.

Legal Services is often times associated with controversies requiring court action. In truth, it embraces both Litigation and Related Services requiring an understanding of the law, its incorporation into an act, and the possible legal repercussions that may follow. Services which fall into this category include the drafting of public instruments, private contracts or agreements, registration and licensing requirements, notary services, personal legal documentation, and many others.

Under Thailand labour law an employee is entitled to annual sick leave of 30 working days per year, with full pay. In addition to sick-leave, a pregnant woman is entitled to 90 days of maternity leave (inclusive of holidays), including 45 work days at full pay. Employment termination with cause (in which event the employer can terminate employment without notice and/or compensation) is governed by the provisions of Section 583 of the Civil and Commercial Code and Section 119 of the Labour Protection Act, and includes gross negligence, willful disobedience, dishonesty or criminal act. When there is employment termination without cause, it is compulsory under employment laws that the employer make severance payment (in addition to notice) to the employee according to the length of unbroken service.

Land ownership in Thailand is governed by the Land Code Act and under Thai land laws only Thai nationals are allowed to own land or have a confirmed right of possession of land. Foreigners may not own land unless there is a treaty or exemption allowing the foreigner to own land in Thailand (section 86). Thailand has currently no treaty with any country allowing a foreigner to acquire land in Thailand. Any foreigner who violates foreign land ownership restrictions could be fined and/or sent to jail for a term of up to 2 years (Land Code act section 111). A Ta.Bian.Baan or Tabien Baan is the document which gives the address of a house or apartment unit and states the persons who have legal domicile at the address. A house book is issued by the local municipality and is merely a registration document. As opposed to Thai nationals a house book is generally not considered an important document for foreigners.

We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Are you trying to find a quality lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s top digital law platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when seeking a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Discover more information on

Legal assistance in Thailand by 3LawyersThailand 2023

Professional law assistance in Thailand by Are you trying to find a quality lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s first digital law platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when searching a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Read extra information about find a lawyer in Thailand. Client consultant: A dedicated client consultant will be assigned to your case to help you find the best lawyer.

Legally a long term lease or leasehold agreement can under Thai law best be described as a prepaid tenancy contract. Lease is in the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code placed under the chapter ‘specific contracts’, meaning that it is not a real property right (asset) or true leasehold but a personal contract right primarily attached to the lessee. Lease in Thailand is not a fixed asset. A lease agreement in Thailand can be terminated premature (breach of lease contract), cannot be mortgaged, is under rent of property laws not automatically inheritable and the lessee only has a legal right to sub-let and assign the remaining period left on a lease when this is agreed in the lease agreement. Assignment of the lease agreement always requires cooperation and approval of the owner of the property and registration at the Land Department (which can only be done by the Thai owner).

Litigation involves bringing controversies to the proper forum for the resolution of issues. While representation is not mandatory in a few cases, the assistance of a Thai counsel is indispensable in most. This holds true not only for Thai litigants, but for foreign parties most especially. Aside from assurance that all legal rights and defenses are made available to the litigant, he is likewise given a “voice” in a forum where all proceedings are conducted in a language that may be foreign to him.

Note that work under the Foreign Employment Act is described very broadly, i.e. working by exercising one’s physical energy or employing one’s knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits. The law does NOT define work as doing something in return for financial or any other reward. Working without a valid work permit leads to fines, possible imprisonment and deportation out of Thailand. To be able to legally work in Thailand the foreigner must have a valid visa and a work permit issued in his name. Secondly, foreigners are only allowed to perform work that does not violate the Alien Employment Act (i.e.not engage in work prohibited for foreigners). What the foreigner is allowed to do and where under his work permit is described in the work permit. For example, foreigners working for 2 different companies doing the same work, must have 2 work permits, one for each company.

Land ownership in Thailand is governed by the Land Code Act and under Thai land laws only Thai nationals are allowed to own land or have a confirmed right of possession of land. Foreigners may not own land unless there is a treaty or exemption allowing the foreigner to own land in Thailand (section 86). Thailand has currently no treaty with any country allowing a foreigner to acquire land in Thailand. Any foreigner who violates foreign land ownership restrictions could be fined and/or sent to jail for a term of up to 2 years (Land Code act section 111). A Ta.Bian.Baan or Tabien Baan is the document which gives the address of a house or apartment unit and states the persons who have legal domicile at the address. A house book is issued by the local municipality and is merely a registration document. As opposed to Thai nationals a house book is generally not considered an important document for foreigners. We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Discover additional info about

Awesome legal support United Kingdom with The National Community Law Project CIC and Rev. Dane Marks

Premium law assistance UK from The National Community Law Project CIC and Rev. Dane Marks? Rev. Dane Marks confessed in the 2022 AGM of The National Community Law Project CIC, that it was both his and Daniel Onafuwa’s intention to be a female lead, internationally multi diverse culture of legal support from the outset. Dane explains, in today’s modern world, diversity is key when representing society to be a true reflection of the global new world. Having a female lead board of highly skilled and competent women and a diverse legal support team of over 350 Law students and graduates from all backgrounds have proven highly successful says the internationally recognised New Thought Minister.

Partner spotlight: NWAMI works with people from a large variety of backgrounds from all over the world. Our mission is to help break the ice between those of all different cultures and backgrounds to help support people to come together. The focus is on helping to bridge the gap through supporting and encouraging community cohesion, whilst facilitating and assisting the sharing and exchange of cultures. We are committed to removing and reducing any barriers which are faced by those living in today’s society by helping to create an interest, understanding and respect for each and every individual. As an organisation, NWAMI aims to support reducing the tension that recent times have brought to the country, supporting equality for all. NWAMI has worked closely with the Police and Crime Commissioner and the local police within Colwyn bay to help to put an end to violence and hate crime. Find extra details on legal assistance for low income people.

Legal tip of the day: Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your solicitor and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your solicitor of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own solicitor.

We have an expert team who are experienced in all matters relating to accusations of benefit fraud. Our dedicated team understand that this can be an extremely distressing time for you and those closest to you. We offer friendly and professional advice with representation throughout your case. If you are suspected of committing benefit fraud, it is highly likely that you will receive a letter through the post inviting you to attend an interview under caution. It is vitally important that should you receive such a letter, you contact a solicitor to get appropriate legal representation. We can assist right across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. It is vital that you call us as soon as possible to arrange an appointment and we can discuss your individual circumstances.

Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with solicitors are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Discover extra details on Rev. Dane Marks.

Watch Courts Online is another essential component of the plan that is a subscription-based, international, online live court-based TV channel with legal commentary. Primarily it is for educational purposes but will allow customers to watch a range of court cases in any jurisdiction they choose with relevant legal commentary. The The National Community Law Project CIC is a community based legal support company to assist those facing difficulties accessing legal support and solutions due to the low level of income and less awareness of legal matters. The Courts Online and Watch Courts Online are creating new marketplaces and new demand. Accordingly, the competition is irrelevant in the current context. Marketing and sales plans are focused on increasing customer awareness for a better expansion and a loyal customer base.