Best custom handbag bulk supplier

Handbag wholesale factory by The company has rich purchasing resources and management experience, so the purchase cost and production have been controlled effectively. We have our own factory named Weili Luggage&bags co. lt and Xuchang XinKeYuan Travel Supplies Co., Ltd, which specialized in manufacturing bags. We have been awarded the ISO9001 and our factory has passed BSCI & Sedex 4. Cosmetic Bag is a kind of bag that prepares especially for going out, which is both attractive and practical. You can put toiletries like facial cleanser, toothpaste, and toothbrush, towel, as well as cosmetics in it. This can help to save space for the luggage. It is one of the necessities for a business trip, travel and long-distance travel. Professional cosmetic bags manufacturer and makeup bag wholesale suppliers, contact ORCHIDLAND. Discover extra information at Orchidland Bags cosmetic bag manufacturer.

Need something that can hold a lot of products but somehow takes up very little space? This slender, stand-up bag is a real space-saver since you can hang it from walls and doors, leaving you with more counter space for your other needs. Plus, thanks to its handles, it’s also easy to tote around! Don’t let appearances fool you: This makeup bag may look like it can only hold a few makeup pallets and mascaras, but it’s actually large enough to hold a full-size bottle of shampoo with room to spare!

Shoulder bag, as the name suggests, refers to the bag of unilateral shoulder force. And was divided into shoulder bag and cross-body bag. Main materials from canvas, cotton and linen, chemical fiber, nylon, PVC leather, PU leather, matching leather, patent leather, plush fabric, etc. The advantages of shoulder bag are actually quite obvious in terms of practicality. And the style and models are diverse with multiple choice. The custom shoulder bag series is available in a wide range of types and specifications.ORCHIDLAND Bags’s products are commonly praised in the market due to good materials, fine workmanship, reliable quality, and favourable price.

The car storage bag is usually used in the sunshade of the car, behind the back chair, the side of the door, and in the trunk of the car. According to subdivision, there are usually different names. For example: in car storage bag, in car storage box, storage hanging bag, in car storage bag, car storage bag, car sunshade storage bag, car CD storage bag, car seat back storage bag etc. Simple and clean appearance, novel design, easy to clean, foldable, easy to store. Discover extra details at

Pinpoint Oxford is created out of a finer yarn and tighter basket weave, thus giving it a softer and smoother texture than a typical Oxford cloth. It has a little shine, but not as that of Royal Oxford. The yarns that it is made of are of lighter weight and less thicker than that of a regular Oxford cloth, but more than that of the Royal Oxford. It is very suitable for someone who wants a polished look, and is also good for casual occasions. However, one should be a little careful with sharp edges when wearing clothes made out of pinpoint fabric as it is soft and can, therefore, give way easily.