Bernedoodle breeding Phoenix with

Top rated Bernedoodle puppies Phoenix: The Bernedoodle is a hybrid dog made from crossing a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. They come in three sizes, Standard, Miniature, and Tiny depending on the size of the Poodle in their bloodline. They come in various colors and have coats that generally do not shed. So let’s get started as we make our case for the addition of this beautiful hybrid to your home. Because the Bernedoodle comes from a Bernese Mountain Dog and has a Poodle like the other parent, their coat is wirier and sheds a lot less than other dogs. Families with allergies or owners who work from home, and spend most of their time inside, can breathe easier with this breed. Find extra details at Arizona Bernedoodles.

When it comes to teaching your puppy, consistency is crucial. They’ll be eager to please you, so give them plenty of praise. Set clear limits and boundaries, then stick to them. For the first several weeks of toilet training, I would advocate bringing them outdoors every hour during the day. Every time, take them to the same location. When they finish the activity, make sure to congratulate them with a good reaction! Your puppy will also need to go outdoors as soon as he or she wakes up and within a few minutes of eating or drinking. It’s also a good idea to start bell training your puppy from the beginning. Hang a bell near the entrance and have them touch it with their paw every time you take them outside to pee. You may need to assist them at first, but they will rapidly learn.

Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Goldendoodle: The size difference between Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles is noticeable. Some Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles are created by crossing a mini-Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog or a Golden Retriever. These dogs are smaller by nature than those bred with a standard-sized Poodle. Mini Bernedoodles weigh 25 to 49 pounds and stand 18 to 24 inches tall, while mini Goldendoodles weigh 15 to 35 pounds and measure 13 to 20 inches tall. These two breeds’ lifespans can also differ. A typical Bernedoodle has a lifespan of 12 to 15 years, whereas a Goldendoodle has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Miniature variants of each breed have a longer lifetime and can live up to 18 years old.

Some pet insurance companies offer preventive care so it’s one of the factors that you need to know in choosing the best pet insurance for your pets. It covers shots and vaccinations. Getting our pets vaccinated and given shots is one of our top priorities especially at their early stage for it stimulates their immune system making them healthier and stronger ability to fight illnesses. Vaccinations and shots these days are expensive for all veterinarians. That’s why it is good to consider buying pet insurance for our pets for it covers both shots and vaccinations that will somehow save us money. Here are some of the pet insurance companies that cover shots and vaccinations: Pets Best; Embrace; Spot; Nationwide. Find even more information on

Not good dog food : Most dogs do not have the enzymes needed to break down lactose (sugars in dairy) that humans have. While minimal quantities of dairy are usually tolerable (bits of cheese or milk), excessive dairy intake can create digestive issues like terrible gas, loose stools, and even diarrhea. It is probably best to avoid milk knowing the propensity of Poodles to have contrarian digestive systems (unless you just like cleaning loose stools from your carpets).

You have decided to treat your Bernedoodle with food from the table as a reward, and you know that there are some foods designer dogs just cannot tolerate or that could cause serious problems. What foods should you never feed your dog? Here Phoenix Bernedoodles we specialize on fluffy lovable Bernedoodles. If you are looking to get a Bernedoodle, then please contact us. We are not a big commercial operation, just dedicated dog lovers who have fallen in love with this special breed.

Bernedoodle Vs. Great Dane: While Great Danes are not the largest dog breed ever, they are the breed of the largest dog ever. The typical Great Dane has a size to be proud of — and one that yields startling results in a Bernedoodle size comparison. Female Great Danes are the smallest and grow to a shoulder height of 28 to 32 inches. This implies that even in their tiniest form, they are about the same size as the largest Bernedoodle. Great Danes may grow to be 34 inches tall and weigh about 200 pounds. As a result, it can take more than 13 toy Bernedoodles to weigh the same as a Great Dane and nearly three to achieve the same height. The regular Bernedoodle is similar in size to their smaller cousins; however, they are around 5 inches shorter and over a hundred pounds lighter.